Jaldi Fit A To Z By Namita Jain

Life before the sixties is an endless racetrack; you've your blinkers on and all you are expected to do is race, with time for little else.

Life after the sixties - now, that's something else! It's a jogger's track, if you will; a leisurely stroll. The blinkers are off and you see the world as if for the first time. You stop along the way to chat with your friends; pause to smell the flowers.

Suddenly, the stinging sixties are stinging no more. They are swinging and how! This book, is a celebration of this wondrous phase in your life. And it aims to make it even more wonderful by giving you enough ammunition (in the form of many, many helpful tips on diet, exercise and staying positive) to slay the bugbears that threaten to rain down on your parade. Namita's experience at Bombay Hospital further establishes that taking control of health is the best insurance anyone can give to life.

The book is endorsed by Padmashree Hema Malini. She's all grace and beauty (and age seems to have touched her not at all). So fasten your seat-belts, ladies and gentlemen. The party's only just beginning.

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